When many refugees came to Sweden in 2015/16, the need for a platform with information for those who wanted to help the refugees who came to Kronoberg County grew. It was about collecting clothes and shoes as well as information about activities. The County Administrative Board of Kronoberg then created kronobergtillsammans.se.
Since kronobergtillsammans.se was launched in 2016, the website has developed into a well-known platform with information about activities for asylum seekers and new arrivals. The website has about 20,000 visits per year.
The County Administrative Board has assignments from the government regarding asylum reception and establishment. Among other things, we will distribute information about initiatives and activities that help people when they come here and establish themselves in Sweden.
The website today contains information about activities, including courses for learning Swedish and how Swedish society works. There are also social activities where you get to meet other people.
It is easy to find activities in the website’s calendar. Under integration, it is also possible to see statistics on the number of asylum seekers and new arrivals, current initiatives and a common entrance for registration for SO (community orientation) throughout the county. Under news, it is possible for organizations to search for volunteers, premises, and more.
Target groups:
- asylum seekers, new arrivals and others who need support in establishment
- civil society and municipalities
Crisis preparedness in easy Swedish
In 2019, the County Administrative Board decided to use kronobergtillsammans.se to also provide information on crisis preparedness in easy Swedish and refer to other languages. The County Administrative Board’s mission in crisis preparedness includes reaching everyone who lives in the county, even those who do not speak Swedish and have difficulty understanding information from authorities.
Kronobergtillsammans.se is a site for you to be able to prepare for a crisis and know where to turn in an emergency situation. It is not a site that should provide information in the event of an acute crisis.
Target groups:
- asylum seekers, new arrivals and others who do not speak Swedish
- civil society